Season of Lent 2021 started form February 17 to April 1, 2021. On March 4, 2021, COERR and Rev. Fr. Justin went to celebrate Mass at the Church in Ban Don Yang Temporary Shelter in Kanchanaburi Province’s Sangkhlaburi District.
Later, on March 21, 2021, COERR, Rev. Fr. Justin and Rev. Fr. Watchara Pruksarojanakul went to celebrate Sunday Mass at the Church in Ban Tham Hin Temporary Shelter in Ratchaburi Province’s Suan Phueng District.
After the Mass, the priests paid home visit to the elderly and the sick. Anointing of the two sick elderly were made in this month. There was also a meeting with the catechists and Church Committee members focusing on the pastoral work plan for the coming months of the year 2021.
The Sunday school activities continued in Ban Don Yang and Ban Tham Hin. The team of catechists and youth leaders regularly taught catechism, implemented recreational games and activities that created love and unity among the children groups.
Father Cerebrated Mass in Ban Don Yang Church

Father put ash on the forehead of the participants.

Home Visiting to the Elderly and the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick at home.

Mass Celebration on March 21, 2021 at Ban Tham Hin Church
